12. Development

The main GitHub repository for the project can be found at:

After cloning, we recommend you set up a virtualenv for development and then execute make develop within that virtualenv. This should install all requirements for executing all tools, building the documentation and executing the test suite.

12.1. Testing

Executing the test suite requires that you have a local PostgreSQL installation configured with an unprivileged user, a privileged super user, and a test database.

The test suite uses environment variables to discover the name of the test database, and the aforementioned users. See the top of tests/conftest.py for more details. A typical execution of the test suite might look as follows:

$ export PIWHEELS_TESTDB=piwtest
$ export PIWHEELS_USER=piwheels
$ export PIWHEELS_PASS=piwheels
$ export PIWHEELS_SUPERUSER=piwsuper
$ export PIWHEELS_SUPERPASS=foobar
$ cd piwheels
$ make test

You may wish to construct a script for exporting the environment variables, or add these values to your ~/.bashrc.


If you are not using your local PostgreSQL installation for anything else you may wish to set fsync=off and synchronous_commit=off in your local postgresql.conf to speed up execution of the test suite. Do NOT do this on any production PostgreSQL server!

12.2. Design

Although the piwheels master appears to be a monolithic script, it’s actually composed of numerous (often extremely simple) tasks. Each task runs its own thread and all communication between tasks takes place over ZeroMQ sockets. This is also how communication occurs between the master and the piw-slave, and the piw-monitor.

The following diagram roughly illustrates all the tasks in the system (including those of the build slaves and the monitor), along with details of the type of ZeroMQ socket used to communicate between them:


It may be confusing that the file server and database server appear to be separate to the master in the diagram. This is deliberate as the system’s architecture is such that certain tasks can be easily broken off into entirely separate processes (potentially on separate machines), if required in future (either for performance or security reasons).

12.3. Tasks

The following sections document the tasks shown above (listed from the “front” at PyPI to the “back” at Users):

12.3.1. Cloud Gazer

Implemented in: piwheels.master.cloud_gazer.CloudGazer.

This task is the “front” of the system. It follows PyPI’s event log for new package and version registrations, and writes those entries to the database. It does this via The Oracle.

12.3.2. The Oracle

Implemented in: piwheels.master.the_oracle.TheOracle.

This task is the main interface to the database. It accepts requests from other tasks (“register this new package”, “log this build”, “what files were built with this package”, etc.) and executes them against the database. Because database requests are extremely variable in their execution time, there are actually several instances of the oracle which sit behind Seraph.

12.3.3. Seraph

Implemented in: piwheels.master.seraph.Seraph.

Seraph is a simple load-balancer for the various instances of The Oracle. This is the task that actually accepts database requests. It finds a free oracle and passes the request along, passing back the reply when it’s finished.

12.3.4. The Architect

Implemented in: piwheels.master.the_architect.TheArchitect.

This task is the final database related task in the master script. Unlike The Oracle it periodically queries the database for the packages that need building and passes this information along to the Slave Driver.

12.3.5. Slave Driver

Implemented in: piwheels.master.slave_driver.SlaveDriver.

This task is the main coordinator of the build slaves’ activities. When a build slave first comes online it introduces itself to this task (with information including the ABI it can build for), and asks for a package to build. If there is a pending package matching the build slave’s ABI, it will be told to build that package.

Periodically, The Architect refreshes this task’s list of packages that require building.

Eventually the build slave will communicate whether or not the build succeeded, along with information about the build (log output, files generated, etc.). This task writes this information to the database via The Oracle. If the build was successful, it informs the File Juggler that it should expect a file transfer from the relevant build slave.

Finally, when all files from the build have been transferred, the Slave Driver informs the The Scribe that the package’s index and project page will need (re)writing. It also periodically informs Big Brother of the size of the build queue.

12.3.6. Mr. Chase

Implemented in: piwheels.master.mr_chase.MrChase.

This task talks to piw-import and handles importing builds manually into the system. It is essentially a cut-down version of the Slave Driver with a correspondingly simpler protocol. It is also the end-point for piw-rebuild and piw-remove.

This task writes information to the database via The Oracle. If the imported build was successful, it informs the File Juggler that it should expect a file transfer from the importer.

Finally, when all files from the build have been transferred, it informs the The Scribe that the package’s index and project pages will need (re)writing.

12.3.7. File Juggler

Implemented in: piwheels.master.file_juggler.FileJuggler.

This task handles file transfers from the build slaves to the master. Files are transferred in multiple (relatively small) chunks and are verified with the hash reported by the build slave (retrieved from the database via The Oracle).

12.3.8. Big Brother

Implemented in: piwheels.master.big_brother.BigBrother.

This task is a bit of a miscellaneous one. It sits around periodically generating statistics about the system as a whole (number of files, number of packages, number of successful builds, number of builds in the last hour, free disk space, etc.) and sends these off to the The Scribe.

12.3.9. The Scribe

Implemented in: piwheels.master.the_scribe.TheScribe.

This task generates the web output for piwheels. It generates the home-page with statistics from Big Brother, the overall package index, individual package file lists, and project pages with messages from Slave Driver.

12.3.10. The Secretary

Implemented in piwheels.master.the_secretary.TheSecretary.

This task sits in front of The Scribe and attempts to mitigate many of the repeated requests that typically get sent to it. For example, project pages (which are relatively expensive to generate, in database terms), may need regenerating every time a file is registered against a package version.

This often happens in a burst when a new package version is released, resulting in several (redundant) requests to re-write the same page with minimally changed information. The secretary buffers up such requests, eliminating duplicates before finally passing them to The Scribe for processing.

12.4. Queues

It should be noted that the diagram omits several queues for the sake of brevity. For instance, there is a simple PUSH/PULL control queue between the master’s “main” task and each sub-task which is used to relay control messages like PAUSE, RESUME, and QUIT.

Most of the protocols used by the queues are (currently) undocumented with the exception of those between the build slaves and the Slave Driver and File Juggler tasks (documented in the piw-slave chapter).

However, all protocols share a common basis: messages are lists of Python objects. The first element is always string containing the action. Further elements are parameters specific to the action. Messages are encoded with CBOR.

12.5. Protocols

The following sections document the protocols used between the build slaves and the three sub-tasks that they talk to in the piw-master. Each protocol operates over a separate queue. All messages in the piwheels system follow a similar structure of being a tuple containing:

  • A short unicode string indicating what sort of message it is.

  • Data. The structure of the data is linked to the type of the message, and validated on both transmission and reception (see piwheels.protocols for more information).

For example the message telling a build slave what package and version to build looks like this in Python syntax:

['BUILD', 'numpy', '1.14.0']

If a message is not associated with any data whatsoever, it is transmitted as a simple unicode string (without the list encapsulation). The serialization format for all messages in the system is currently CBOR.

12.5.1. Slave Driver

The queue that talks to Slave Driver is a ZeroMQ REQ socket, hence the protocol follows a strict request-reply sequence which is illustrated below:

  1. The new build slave sends “HELLO” with data [build_timeout, master_timeout, py_version_tag, abi_tag, platform_tag, label, os_name, os_version, board_revision, board_serial] where:

    • build_timeout is the slave’s configured timeout (the length of time after which it will assume a build has failed and attempt to terminate it) as a timedelta.

    • master_timeout is the maximum length of time the slave will wait for communication from the master. After this timeout it will assume the connection has failed, terminate and clean-up any on-going build, then attempt to restart the connection to the master.

    • py_version_tag is the python version the slave will build for (e.g. “27”, “35”, etc.)

    • abi_tag is the ABI the slave will build for (e.g. “cp35m”)

    • platform_tag is the platform of the slave (e.g. “linux_armv7l”)

    • label is an identifying label for the slave (e.g. “slave2”); note that this label doesn’t have to be anything specific, it’s purely a convenience for administrators displayed in the monitor. In the current implementation this is the unqualified hostname of the slave

    • os_name is a string identifying the operating system, e.g. “Raspbian GNU/Linux”.

    • os_version is a string identifying the release of the operating system, e.g. “10 (buster)”.

    • board_revision is a code indicating the revision of the board that the slave is running upon, e.g. “c03111” for a Raspberry Pi 4B.

    • board_serial is the serial number of the board that the slave is running upon.

  2. The master replies sends “ACK” with data [slave_id, pypi_url] where slave_id is an integer identifier for the slave. Strictly speaking, the build slave doesn’t need this identifier but it can be helpful for admins or developers to see the same identifier in logs on the master and the slave which is the only reason it is communicated.

    The pypi_url is the URL the slave should use to fetch packages from PyPI.

  3. The build slave sends “IDLE” to indicate that it is ready to accept a build job. The “IDLE” message is accompanied with the data [now, disk_total, disk_free, mem_total, mem_free, load_avg, cpu_temp] where:

    • now is a datetime indicating the current time on the build slave.

    • disk_total is the total size (in bytes) of the file-system used to build wheels.

    • disk_free is the number of bytes free in the file-system used to build wheels.

    • mem_total is the total size (in bytes) of the RAM on the build slave.

    • mem_free is the number of bytes of RAM currently available (not necessarily unused, but potentially usable by builds).

    • load_avg is the one minute load average.

    • cpu_temp is the temperature, in degrees celsius of the CPU.

  4. The master can reply with “SLEEP” which indicates that no jobs are currently available for that slave (e.g. the master is paused, or the build queue is empty, or there are no builds for the slave’s particular ABI at this time). In this case the build slave should pause a while (the current implementation waits 10 seconds) before retrying “IDLE”.

  5. The master can also reply with “DIE” which indicates the build slave should shutdown. In this case, after cleaning up any resources the build slave should send back “BYE” and terminate (generally speaking, whenever the slave terminates it should send “BYE” no matter where in the protocol it occurs; the master will take this as a sign of termination).

  6. The master can also reply “BUILD” with data [package, version] where package is the name of a package to build and version is the version to build. At this point, the build slave should attempt to locate the package on PyPI and build a wheel from it.

  7. While the build is underway, the slave must periodically ping the master with the “BUSY” message, which is accompanied by the exact same stats as in the “IDLE” message.

  8. If the master wishes the build slave to continue with the build it will reply with “CONT”. If the master wants to build slave to terminate the build early it will reply with “DONE” (goto step 13).

  9. Assuming the master doesn’t request termination of the build, eventually it will finish. In response to the next “CONT” message, the slave sends “BUILT” with data [status, duration, output, files]:

    • status is True if the build succeeded and False otherwise.

    • duration is a timedelta value indicating the length of time it took to build in seconds.

    • output is a string containing the complete build log.

    • files is a list of file state tuples containing the following fields in the specified order:

      • filename is the filename of the wheel.

      • filesize is the size in bytes of the wheel.

      • filehash is the SHA256 hash of the wheel contents.

      • package_tag is the package tag extracted from the filename.

      • package_version_tag is the version tag extracted from the filename.

      • py_version_tag is the python version tag extracted from the filename.

      • abi_tag is the ABI tag extracted from the filename (sanitized).

      • platform_tag is the platform tag extracted from the filename.

      • dependencies is a set of dependency tuples containing the following fields in the specified order:

        • tool is the name of the tool used to install the dependency

        • package is the name of the package to install with the tool

  10. If the build succeeded, the master will send “SEND” with data filename where filename is one of the names transmitted in the prior “BUILT” message.

  11. At this point the slave should use the File Juggler protocol documented below to transmit the contents of the specified file to the master. When the file transfer is complete, the build slave sends “SENT” to the master.

  12. If the file transfer fails to verify, or if there are more files to send the master will repeat the “SEND” message. Otherwise, if all transfers have completed and have been verified, the master replies with “DONE”.

  13. The build slave is now free to destroy all resources associated with the build, and returns to step 3 (“IDLE”).

If at any point, the master takes longer than master_timeout (default: 5 minutes) to respond to a slave’s request, the slave will assume the master has disappeared. If a build is still active, it will be cleaned up and terminated, the connection to the master will be closed, the slave’s ID will be reset and the slave must restart the protocol from the top (“HELLO”).

This permits the master to be upgraded or replaced without having to shutdown and restart the slaves manually. It is possible that the master is restarted too fast for the slave to notice. In this case the slave’s next message will be mis-interpreted by the master as an invalid initial message, and it will be ignored. However, this is acceptable behaviour as the re-connection protocol described above will then effectively restart the slave after the master_timeout has elapsed.

12.5.2. Mr Chase (importing)

The queue that talks to Mr. Chase is a ZeroMQ REQ socket, hence the protocol follows a strict request-reply sequence which is illustrated below (see below for documentation of the “REMOVE” path):

  1. The importer sends “IMPORT” with data [slave_id, package, version, abi_tag, status, duration, output, files]:

    • slave_id is the integer id of the build slave that created the wheel. This is usually 0 and is ignored by the master anyway.

    • package is the name of the package that the build is for.

    • version is the version of the package that the build is for.

    • abi_tag is either None, indicating that the master should use the “default” (minimum) build ABI registered in the system, or is a string indicating the ABI that the build was attempted for.

    • status is True if the build succeeded and False otherwise.

    • duration is a float value indicating the length of time it took to build in seconds.

    • output is a string containing the complete build log.

    • files is a list of file state tuples containing the following fields in the specified order:

      • filename is the filename of the wheel.

      • filesize is the size in bytes of the wheel.

      • filehash is the SHA256 hash of the wheel contents.

      • package_tag is the package tag extracted from the filename.

      • package_version_tag is the version tag extracted from the filename.

      • py_version_tag is the python version tag extracted from the filename.

      • abi_tag is the ABI tag extracted from the filename (sanitized).

      • platform_tag is the platform tag extracted from the filename.

      • dependencies is a set of dependency tuples containing the following fields in the specified order:

        • tool is the name of the tool used to install the dependency

        • package is the name of the package to install with the tool

  2. If the import information is insufficient or incorrect, the master will send “ERROR” with data message which is the description of the error that occurred.

  3. If the import information is okay, the master will send “SEND” with data filename for each file mentioned in the build.

  4. At this point the importer should use the File Juggler protocol to transmit the contents of the specified file to the master. When the file transfer is complete, the importer sends “SENT” to the master.

  5. If the file transfer fails to verify, or if there are more files to send the master will repeat the “SEND” message. Otherwise, if all transfers have completed and have been verified, the master replies with “DONE”.

  6. The importer is now free to remove all files associated with the build, if requested to.

12.5.3. Mr Chase (removing)

The queue that talks to Mr. Chase is a ZeroMQ REQ socket, hence the protocol follows a strict request-reply sequence which is illustrated below (see above for documentation of the IMPORT path):

  1. The utility sends “REMOVE” with data [package, version, skip]:

    • package is the name of the package to remove.

    • version is the version of the package to remove.

    • skip is a string containing the reason the version should never be built again, or is a blank string indicating the version should be rebuilt.

  2. If the removal fails (e.g. if the package or version does not exist), the master will send “ERROR” with data message (a string describing the error that occurred).

  3. If the removal is successful, the master replies with “DONE”.

12.5.4. Mr Chase (rebuilding)

The queue that talks to Mr. Chase is a ZeroMQ REQ socket, hence the protocol follows a strict request-reply sequence which is illustrated below (see above for documentation of the IMPORT path):

  1. The utility sends “REBUILD” with data [part, package]:

    • part is the part of the website to rebuild. It must be one of “HOME”, “SEARCH”, “PROJECT” or “BOTH”.

    • package is the name of the package to rebuild indexes and/or project pages for or None if pages for all packages should be rebuilt. This parameter is omitted if part is “HOME” or “SEARCH”.

  2. If the rebuild request fails (e.g. if the package does not exist), the master will send “ERROR” with data message (a string describing the error that occurred).

  3. If the rebuild request is successful, the master replies with “DONE”.

12.5.5. File Juggler

The queue that talks to File Juggler is a ZeroMQ DEALER socket. This is because the protocol is semi-asynchronous (for performance reasons). For the sake of illustration, a synchronous version of the protocol is illustrated below:

  1. The build slave initially sends “HELLO” with data slave_id where slave_id is the integer identifier of the slave. The master knows what file it requested from this slave (with “SEND” to the Slave Driver), and knows the file hash it is expecting from the “BUILT” message.

  2. The master replies with “FETCH” with data [offset, length] where offset is a byte offset into the file, and length is the number of bytes to send.

  3. The build slave replies with “CHUNK” with data where data is a byte-string containing the requested bytes from the file.

  4. The master now either replies with another “FETCH” message or, when it has all chunks successfully received, replies with “DONE” indicating the build slave can now close the file (though it can’t delete it yet; see the “DONE” message on the Slave Driver side for that).

“FETCH” messages may be repeated if the master drops packets (due to an overloaded queue). Furthermore, because the protocol is semi-asynchronous multiple “FETCH” messages will be sent before the master waits for any returning “CHUNK” messages.

12.6. Security

Care must be taken when running the build slave. Building all packages in PyPI effectively invites the denizens of the Internet to run arbitrary code on your machine. For this reason, the following steps are recommended:

  1. Never run the build slave on the master; ensure they are entirely separate machines.

  2. Run the build slave as an unprivileged user which has access to nothing it doesn’t absolutely require (it shouldn’t have any access to the master’s file-system, the master’s database, etc.)

  3. Install the build slave’s code in a location the build slave’s unprivileged user does not have write access (i.e. not in a virtualenv under the user’s home dir).

  4. Consider whether to make the unprivileged user’s home-directory read-only.

We have experimented with read-only home directories, but a significant portion of (usually scientifically oriented) packages attempt to be “friendly” and either write data to the user’s home directory or modify the user’s profile (~/.bashrc and so forth).

The quandry is whether it is better to fail with such packages (a read-only home-directory will most likely crash such setup scripts, failing the build), or partially support them (leaving the home-directory writeable even though the modifications on the build-slave won’t be recorded in the resulting wheel and thus won’t be replicated on user’s machines). There is probably no universally good answer.

Currently, while the build slave cleans up the temporary directory used by pip during wheel building, it doesn’t attempt to clean its own home directory (which setup scripts are free to write to). This is something that ought to be addressed in future as it’s a potentially exploitable hole.